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Commenting Giveaway Alert: This week we will draw a name from all the comments left on this week's new posts and give away a $5 gift certificate! The more posts you comment on, the more chances you have to win.


iCopic Weekly Challenge #29 Winner!

Hello everyone! Samantha here to announce this week's iCopic Weekly Challenge winner. This week, we challenged you to use RED and wow, I am so impressed with everyone's projects. Everyone did such great work for this very difficult challenge. I cannot wait to see what you create for the next challenge, which starts on Monday morning!

And the winner is. . . #6, Frances!!

Frances made this amazing card:

Frances, please email with your mailing info so we can get your prize mailed out to you.

Frances has won 4 Copic Ciao markers of her choice!

Everyone, remember to play along with our challenge this week for a chance to win another great prize!


OMG!!! Thank You very much!!! I'm very happy!!! hugs, Frances.

Wow, congratulations, Frances. This card is gorgeous!! =)

WOOOOOO YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations my dear friend! Fabulous!!!!!!

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