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Commenting Giveaway Alert: This week we will draw a name from all the comments left on this week's new posts and give away a $5 gift certificate! The more posts you comment on, the more chances you have to win.


Winner Challenge #30

Hello everyone! Samantha here to showcase the winner of the iCopic Weekly Challenge #30! Everyone's blond hair projects this week were AWESOME!!

The winner, as always, was chosen at random using

Our winner is 16. Lis (ThePurplePlace) !!

Lis created this lovely card for our Blond challenge:

 Beautiful creation, Lis and congrats!!! Please email with your information so we can get your prize mailed out.

Lis has won this awesome book:

Join us Monday morning for another fun iCopic challenge!


Congratulations Lis you're going to love your prize!

Congrats Lis, what an adorable card! :)

Woohoo!! I'm so happy to have won and will be in touch with iCopic today!!

I already own Marianne's wonderful book, so I'm going to ask iCopic to select a runner up and/or donate the book to someone who can use it!!

It's a fabulous book ! I'm very much looking forward to Colleen Schaan's new book, which should be out very soon!

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