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Way 2 Go!

Hi everyone, Kelli here!  Today I have more of a masculine card to share with you!  It's using the adorable Footy Luka by La-La Land Crafts!  My dad and my fiancé love football so I was so excited to receive this stamp!!!  I admit that I struggle a little with masculine cards because I always wants to embellish with rhinestones, glitter, pearls, etc.  So for this card I tried to keep it simple and the girly embellishments to a minimum (exception of one little bow), hehe.  First I stamped this cutie in Memento, Tuxedo Black Ink and colored him with my Copics which I'll list together at the end.  The background paper is from the Wild Rose Studio, Kalahari Dreams 6x6 Paper Stack.  I think the orange and the green were great matches for his uniform and the grass.

In this close-up you can see the faint blue shadow around him.  I used B0000 and the Colorless Blender to achieve this look.  It's a little hard to tell in the picture, but I dotted the football with my Colorless Blender to help give it the texture of a real football.  Also, to accent the laces on the football and his shoes, I used a white gel pen so they'd stand out more.
hair:  E31, Y35, Y21, Y11
skin:  YR00, E00, R20 (cheeks)
shirt, shorts' stripe, socks:  YR18, YR16, YR15
shorts, shoes:  B26, B24, B21
football:  E29, E37, E35
soles, shoe spikes: C7, C5
grass:  G24, G21, G20
sky:  B0000, 0 (Colorless Blender)

Thanks for stopping by!  :)


Gorgeous!!! I love masculine cards.

Very cute! I don't think I have the patience for all that shading.

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