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Saturday Spotlight

Hey everyone! Samantha here with another Saturday Spotlight!

What is the spotlight you ask? Saturday Spotlight is a special spotlight of some of our lovely customers' projects!! Every other Saturday you will see some awesome projects that have been posted on our Facebook Page.

Want a chance to be spotlighted right here on our blog? All you need to do is upload some Copic creations to the iCopic Facebook Page and you might be picked!

It was sooo hard just picking three great projects because y'all have been posting so many wonderful projects to the FB page. Keep those projects coming folks!

Cheryl Gorka

Lea Kimmel

Melyssa Connolly

Wonderful projects everyone! Remember to keep uploading because we do a spotlight every other week.


Oh I LOVE Cheryl's creations and this is no exception - HOW very beautiful!! Lea's rose is outstanding and I LOVE the punches she used...Melyssa Oh my gosh how adorable - the little white accents on the raccoon are perfect! The bright colors are wonderful!

Thank you for featuring my project! I am honored!

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