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Commenting Giveaway Alert: This week we will draw a name from all the comments left on this week's new posts and give away a $5 gift certificate! The more posts you comment on, the more chances you have to win.


iCopic Weekly Challenge Winner!!

Hey everyone! Samantha here to announce this week's winner. You all did an awesome job but can only pick one winner so here it is. . .

The winner is. . .  5. Benzi

Benzi made this beautiful pastel flower card:

Congratulations, Benzi! Please email us at so we can get your prize mailed out.

Be sure to check back tomorrow for another challenge. This week's challenge is going to be a REAL challenge.


Oh, this is very exciting! Thanks for the wonderful challenge and so glad I discovered it. I'll email you now.

Oh, I am so pleased to have been chosen winner this week. Thanks for the wonderful glad I found it.

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